House Captains

Newburgh Houses

There are 4 house teams in total which are represented by the names chosen by our own school children; Emerald Dragon, Crimson Phoenix, Sapphire Bear and Golden Lions. 

The House Emblems were designed by the children who took part in the "Design a House Shield event". The final design was then digitally created based upon their design.

All children are allocated a house when they enter the school and collect house points for their house throughout the year.

Children earn House Points for all elements of school life; behaviour, superb work, excellent effort, creative ideas and curiosity in their learning. 

Children earn House Points throughout their school day which are added up weekly by the House Captains  and announced in Friday assembly. The weekly points are then tallied up at the end of each term (Autumn, Spring and Summer) and the winning house receives a reward known as a ‘House Party’.

Houses are used to provide a sense of belonging and are often used to group children when they participate in House Events such as poems, sports competitions or arts events.


Role and Expectations of House Captains

The role of House Captains are ones of privilege, pride and responsibility. They are more than just a title and badge and require dedication and commitment for an entire year.

The children take part in active citizenship, whereby they lead a series of charitable events throughout the school. This may include major national events such as Children in Need to more local events like food collection for the local foodbanks or even arranging sporting challenges. At the beginning of each year the House Captains put their proposals forward to  Mrs Turner who can authorise them.

House Captains are elected by the children in their House after giving a speech about what they can offer their team. All children in years 2-6 vote for their House Captains. Prior to accepting the house captain role, the new house captains will sign a contract of agreement detailing the expectations of a house captain explained below.

Each Captain will be different and will contribute a variety of skills and ideas to the job.

Characteristics of House Captains;

  • Polite and well-mannered
  • Organised and committed
  • A confident speaker
  • Well-presented in uniform and appearance
  • Able to liaise and converse with staff, students and the wider community
  • Desire to act responsibly and to be a role model for other students
  • Be caring, mature and honest.

We expect you:

  • To be a positive role model and ambassador for the school, demonstrating our school values (Nurture, Perform, Succeed)
  • To be enthusiastic and committed to the House System at Newburgh  Primary School
  • To be friendly and positive with all students, particularly within your House
  • To be part of the team of House Captains who work together to achieve success for all.

Role Description


  • Lead and support the children of your House in a variety of House Competitions
  • Work closely with the Mrs Turner, providing ideas and support for competitions and House related activities
  • Collect, monitor and announce House Points
  • Be liaison from the Pupil Leadership group you are assigned to and the SLT team
  • Attend a termly meetings with Mrs Turner and the Senior Leadership Team where each House Captain feeds back information from other pupil Leaderships groups
  • Inspire the children of your House
  • Be an excellent role model in behaviour, attitude and dress at all times
  • Be available for ‘out of school’ events such as open evenings, fetes and PTA events
House Captain Elections
House Captain elections will take place on Monday 23rd September at 10:20. Each prospective House Captain will deliver a speech to their house using either a poster, PowerPoint or video that must be sent to by Friday 20th September.
All the children and house staff from Year 2-6 will vote for the candidate that they feel will best represent their house for the year. Candidates in second place will be held on file in the unlikely event that a House Captain is unable to fulfil their duties.
House Captains will be announced in assembly on Wednesday 25th September.