

Our aim for Science at Newburgh is that all children

•Be curious in finding out why things happen in the way they do

•Enquire, explore and observe so that they can ask questions about themselves and the world around them

•Develop confidence and competence in the full range of practical skills, taking the initiative in, for example, sorting, classifying, planning, predicting and carrying out scientific investigations.

•To work collaboratively, safely and carefully when using materials and equipment.

•To introduce pupils to the language and vocabulary of science

•Gain secure scientific knowledge and understanding which is demonstrated in written and verbal explanations, solving challenging problems and reporting scientific findings.

•Acquire a progressive understanding of scientific ideas through enquiry.

•Foster concern about and appreciation of our environment


At Newburgh, each teacher will provide regular science lessons in order to progressively develop scientific knowledge, skills and understanding.

Our school aims to encourage learning through investigations and theoretical lessons, with an emphasis on first-hand experience. Our science lessons contain some of the following elements: discussion, whole class, group or individual learning, practical, investigative tasks, recording and communicating.

Planning implementation

Planning follows the programmes of study for each year group and will identify the most appropriate teaching strategy to suit the purpose of each objective. All science lessons have clear differentiation and success criteria to ensure pupils make good progress.

For each year group 1-6, the Science Long Term Plan includes: the topic and national curriculum objectives for each term, the main investigation and the scientific skills and enquiry types to be taught.

In the foundation stage, Science is taught through the strand of ‘Understanding the World’. Science is embedded by providing a wide range of activities including: indoor and outdoor learning, adult-focused tasks, child-initiated tasks and independent play.


The successful approach of the teaching of science at Newburgh results in a fun and engaging, high quality curriculum, that provides pupils with:

· A good understanding of the world and how it works

· Meaningful and memorable experiences

· Practical science opportunities and collaborative learning

· Rich vocabulary and understanding

· Opportunities to raise questions, find answers and reflect on their knowledge

· Enable pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding as they progress throughout the school

· Develop an awareness of how the world is changing, the role humans play in tackling environmental issues and how they can help.