Statutory Information

The following links take you to key pages and documents that give you the information that we are required to publish on our school website.
Contact Details
Information on how to contact us, including our address and telephone number, the name of the person who deals with queries from parents or the public and the name of our SENCO, can be found on our contact page.
Admission Arrangements
Information about applying for places at our school and our PAN each year can be found on our admissions information page.
School Uniform Policy
Information about our school uniform can be found on our dedicated uniform page. In addition, our dress and uniform policy can be found on our Policies page.
Ofsted Report
The report from our latest Ofsted inspection can be found on our ofsted reports page.
Exam & Assessment Results
Information about how our children perform in statutory assessments can be found on our Key Stage 2 Results page.
Performance Tables
For further information on our school results, you can find a link to the School and College Performance Comparison website on our performance table  page.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Please see our Equality Diversity & Inclusion Policy policy
School Opening Hours
Our opening and closing times can be found in the section of our about our school page.
Details of our Curriculum can be found on our curriculum page.

Details of our Phonics and Reading schemes can be found in our phonics document on our curriculum page.

Remote Education Provision

Details of our remote education provision can be read on our remote education provision page.


Our Behaviour Policy, Charging/Remissions Policy and Equality Objectives can be found with a selection of others most relevant to our parents on our policies page. Our complaints policy and procedure can be found here.

Pupil Premium

Information about how we use our Pupil Premium funding to support pupils can be found on our pupil premium page.

PE & Sports Premium

Information on how we use the additional funding ringfenced specifically for PE and sports can be found on our PE & Sport premium page.

Special Educational Needs Information

Details on how we support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can be found on our SEND information page.

Governors Information

The members of our Governing Body, plus their committee commitments, business interests and attendance records can be found on our Governors pages.

Financial Information

A link to the schools financial benchmarking service for our school can be found on our financial information page, as can a statement of how many employees earn an annual salary above £100,000.

Values & Ethos

Information on our school ethos, values and details of our promotion of British values can be read on our Mission, Vision & Values page.