


Our aim for Mathematics at Newburgh is to ensure our children leave being fluent mathematicians who can reason and solve mathematical problems. At Newburgh we deliver the Maths National Curriculum to our pupils using the principles and beliefs of the 'Mastery Method’ through materials which develop a deep conceptual understanding. With good teaching, appropriate resources, effort and a ‘can do’ attitude all pupils can achieve in and enjoy maths. This includes a belief that all pupils are capable of understanding and doing mathematics and that pupils are neither ‘born with the maths gene’ nor ‘just no good at maths’. Additionally, we encourage pupils, staff and the wider school community to enjoy maths and actively discourage pupils and adults from saying ‘I don’t like maths!’ and ‘I’m no good at maths!’



The three main aims of the national curriculum are for all children to be fluent, to be able to reason and problem solve. Here at Newburgh we follow the White Rose schemes of learning as our beliefs align with those of this approach.

We believe that number underpins almost every aspect of mathematics and without firm foundations in number children are likely to struggle with other areas of mathematics. The schemes of White Rose cover the three areas and through interweaving prior learning with new concepts, children are able to explore different concepts in depth by the provided questions. Applying this practise and consolidation alongside a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach helps children to grasp the links between topics and embed them in depth.

Children receive daily maths lessons, which take place in the mornings, and are well planned for using the White Rose scheme. As a school, we have an expectation that all maths lessons are adapted and children have the opportunity to access resources to ensure a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach is being used. A CPA approach is when children are introduced to a new mathematical concept through a concrete resource such as counters, Dienes blocks or Numicon. When they become comfortable using the using the resources to aid their problem solving they move onto pictorial representations by drawing pictures of the objects they were using. Children then move on to an abstract approach where they use the numbers and symbols to solve problems. Using the CPA approach supports children to develop a better relationship between the real world and numbers and therefore develops a more secure conceptual understanding of the mathematical concepts. Following this approach will allow pupils to explore a range of strategies and methods that work for them in a problem solving and reasoning situation. Throughout all lessons, pupils always have access to high quality resources and pupils are taught consistently using the correct mathematically vocabulary and this is modelled to them by all staff in school.  

Across school children will also complete a Reasoning Robin activity which focuses on a different reasoning question each week from any selected maths units. This supports the progression of children’s reasoning questions and allows children to recap different units throughout the year.

Maths in Key Stage 1

Reception – Reception have five daily maths lessons where learning changes between whole class, small group and challenges in the continuous provision areas. Alongside these lessons, they also complete the NCETM Mastering Number program 4 times a week.

Year 1 – In Year 1, the children also complete the NCETM Mastering Number program 4 times a week alongside their daily maths lessons. Additionally, in summer term Year 1 are introduced to the arithmetic and Space Cadets assessments which they will complete on alternative weeks.

Year 2 – In Year 2, children have 5 daily maths lessons with one being made up of Space Cadets or arithmetic tests on alternative weeks.


Maths in Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, weekly arithmetic tests are carried out to support pupils in developing their arithmetic skills. This forms one of the five maths lessons in a week. This time is also used as a teaching tool to help develop children’s arithmetic ability. Regular arithmetic test preparation will help build children's number fluency.

Year 3/4 – Additional to daily maths lessons children will learn multiplication facts twice a week using Time Tables Rock Stars.

Year 5 – In Year 5, children will continue to practise multiplication facts once a week using Time Tables Rock Stars. This will continue into Year 6 for the children who still need regular practise.



Assessment dialogue with pupils focuses on ‘Show me’, ‘Can you prove it?’ and ‘How did you do that?’. This in turn encourages them to explain their own depth of understanding around the concept or where necessary, identify where they have gone wrong.

We make assessments on the children in a formative and summative way, which in turn helps us assess and monitor progress and attainment of all children. All children will complete White Rose end of unit assessments and from Year 2 upwards children will complete end of term maths assessments. Year 1 will be introduced to these assessments at the end of Year 1, working in a way which suits them.


At Newburgh we have a maths policy which is consistent across the school.

If work is incorrect or misconceptions have been identified, a small dot will be put by the question and time must be given to pupils to correct this. The piece of work will be coded with ICU (independent catch up) meaning the child needs to independently work through the corrections or SCU (supported catch up) meaning the child will go through the week again either one to one or in a small group with adult support.

If a child has reached the Dive Deeper tasks there will be a DD evidencing this. Additionally, if work from pupils show a greater depth of understanding it will be marked with a GD symbol near the work.

Moderation activities will take place to support teachers assessing efficiently and accurately.

At Newburgh Primary School we undertake the National Statutory Assessments at the end of EYFS and Year 6.